Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Twins B-day and Resolution Updates

Today has been a very productive day. Little Hands Learning Center received a switcharoo as I rearranged lots of things in the main classroom this morning. I was very happy to find my newly renovated restrooms complete, although incorrect. I was supposed to have a regular sink and a utility sink, and instead I have two regular sinks... We shall see how long it takes to get that fixed.

At home Daryl and I worked on getting the kitchen in order. We cleaned off the dining table, the counter and the kitchen. I made Panda Orange chicken with white rice and veggies for dinner. We even cleaned up after dinner, so everything was clean (and put away!) before he got ready for work. He has been an amazing help since I had a couple days of not feeling well.

Yesterday, I went to the doctor to get an injection in my right shoulder to help with some extra pain I was having. It was fine all day, but last night I realized it hurt more!! But it wasn't a constant pain, it was more like bruising, so I figure it was from the injection itself. Today I am noticing it all feeling a tiny bit better. I also went in for my Physical Therapy consultation. I am hoping to get started on some aquatic therapy to alleviate even more pain and a lot of the stiffness.

This coming weekend we will be celebrating the twins fifth birthday. It truly seems surreal to me that they are already 5! I can remember so vividly the early days in the hospital, bringing them home so tiny in their carseats, and the constant lack of sleep all new parents are subjected to. Many people have asked me how we did it and my only response is that it was all we knew and we just had to do it. We have tried to give our children more than they could ever ask for. We want so much more for them than we had as kids. I am continually amazed to see how they react in the midst of every setting. Each trip we take, their reactions and learning is what makes it so much more enjoyable for me as a parent. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy traveling and exploring too, but it is so much more unique to see it through their eyes.

As I reflect on the last 5 years, I am so thankful to be blessed with such an amazing family and have met some truly special friends. I will never know the path that awaits us or our kids, but I am hopeful and trusting that God has a great plan for us all.

Resolutions Update: things are not going quite as well as I had hoped, although they are going which is still a great thing! I am cooking more healthy choices at home and attempting to get more exercise. I am still working on a budget that is appropriate and feasible for our household.

Well, I'm off to bed. It's gonna be an early morning tomorrow and a long day! We have lots and lots to do to begin our prepping for the desert trip this weekend. Celebrating the twins birthday in the dirty Superstition Mountains OHV Area. It's gonna be a blast!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Beginning Again

Well, from the looks of things it's been over a year since I have posted to my blog. Apparently, I do not need to resume, but rather begin again.

At this point in my life, I am finding myself in need of several changes. I find myself for the first time feeling the need for New Year's Resolutions. I have never felt the need to have them before as I never felt that I was in need of changes badly enough. I mean, before now, resolutions were just changes that I most likely wouldn't stick with anyway.

Since it's been such a long time since I have posted on this blog, I think I should do a little catching up. over the last year, we have all been pretty busy. The most interesting thing that I have done is opening Little Hands Learning Center. LHLC opened it's doors in July of 2011. It's hard to believe that it has already been six months. It has been a slow start as the word is getting out about us being there. I have been operating as a parents on site program this entire time as I did not have enough restrooms to apply for licensing to accommodate drop off care. The restrooms should be done within the next week or so and the application for licensing will be in the mail as well. That's a very exciting thing for me as I have dreamed of this center for many years. I can see the completed center in my mind, complete with plans for additional centers. My problem is realizing that it takes so long to get to the pictures in my mind.

As I set out into the 2012, I feel as though the three resolutions I will be making are necessary for both home and business success. For the first time in my life I feel the absolute need for change. I will be making the following resolutions:

  1. Make Healthier Choices
    • I understand that this is a bit broad, however, my focus will be on losing weight and making healthier food choices. I will also be trying to squeeze in more exercise, however, that is secondary to eating healthier.
  2. Better Organization
    • This one pertains mostly to home, but somewhat to business as well. I am fairly organized with the business because I have to be. There is no way to be productive and successful without being organized. Home however, tends to be in disarray because it can be. I will be utilizing to learn new strategies to implement. If anyone else is interested in these strategies, let me know and we can hold each other accountable. I am already gonna be working with one friend to keep each other on our toes.
  3. Better Financial Choices and Budgeting
    • Again, slightly broad, but I know what I mean. I will be focusing on cutting excess spending. If we don't NEED it, we don't buy it. I will also be attempting to go back to my coupon clipping days where I can save a ton of money through strategic coupon use. I'm not talking extreme coupon clipping, I'm just talking regular coupon clipping. I used to do it and could consistently save 40-60% of our grocery bill.
I will be trying to update my blog at least once a week (trying to keep things attainable) and updating honestly on how things are going. January will be a tricky month for the budget however because it is the Twins birthday. We will also be playing catch up on a few things from the holidays.

These changes are not just changes I want to make for a year, these are life changes that I want to put into place throughout our lives. I am hoping that the budgeting one will start out very strict and then be able to lax slightly to be more comfortable.

If you are reading this, please do not hesitate to ask me about any of my resolutions or changes being put into effect as I need the checks and balances of friends and family to make sure I am continuing as I should be.

I hope the New Year of 2012 will find you all love and happiness as those are the only things we truly NEED in our lives.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Just a Sunday

Well, its been a lazy Sunday today, when it should've been a highly productive day. I have been unable to get the motivation I need to get stuff done, knowing I had quite a few things that I wanted to do. I will probably end up staying up late and doing things later tonight, although I have to be up early in the morning.
Tomorrow afternoon I have a Dr appt. Tuesday is grocery shopping. Wednesday is all day cooking day with Stephanie. Thursday is a Babywearing presentation for the El Centro breastfeeding support group. And pack to go to the desert. Daryls bday is Sunday so we are having his party on Sunday, so the cake has to be made, too. It's gonna be a busy week ahead, but I am looking forward to our first desert trip of the season. Hopefully my lull in motivation does not carry on into the week ahead.
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Why am I blogging instead of sleeping?

It is nearly 4a.m. and I am blogging instead of sleeping. I have no idea why, but I seem to by wide awake and have no interest in trying to lay down and go to sleep. I have not been blogging much lately, but feel like I really need to get back to it so I can verbalize (or textualize) my thoughts. (at this hour I get to make up my own words) I have been feeling like there are a few things in my life that need to change. Nothing "major" but just things. One thing is that I need to be much better about keeping up with chores around the house. Another is to be more organized around the house. I also want to lose weight and start cooking healthier for my family. I have come to realize that I need to cook much healthier and teach my children much better eating habits. I do not fry everything we eat and we do not eat a ton of sweets and so on, however, we do snack more than I would like. We definitely eat out way too much and we just don't eat a large enough variety of vegetables and things. This will be my goal over the next couple of months is to completely revamp the way I cook and make sure that I am creating a variety of healthy meals for us all. I am also going to be cutting down (one or two meals a week) on the amount of meat we consume. It is not a bad thing to eat meat, but it is not necessary to eat it with every meal. Well, I suppose I need to try to get to bed. Hopefully I will be awake throughout the day tomorrow. :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

the big 3-0!!

well, today, i turn 30!!! it is hard to believe that i am entering my 30s although i think i will be okay. i have outgrown my 20s and am ready to enter my 30s as a time of stability and settling into my family. i think as a general rule, your 20s are viewed as your partying years and years to figure out your direction in life. i feel that i have grown up beyond the constant partying and have a pretty good idea of the direction i want my life to go in. its time now to focus on my family and my greatest desire in establishing a childcare and family resource center. i am tremendously frightened by the enormity of the project, but inspired by it at the same time. it is something that i completely believe in. i truly enjoy being a mom, also. i am honored and blessed to have been given two beautiful and amazing kids! the twins have been an awesome addition to our family. its hard to believe that they will be 3 next month. they have such great little personalities. christmas is gonna be great! they are just at an age now to be really getting into christmas and getting excited about it. Jr keeps saying "santa is gonna bring me a motorcycle." unfortunately, i think santa will run out of motorcycles, but i he will have a few jeeps in stock. :) it will be great to see their excitement christmas morning! so, i guess i am ready for my 30s, i'm blessed with an amazing family (all of my family), and spectacular friends.

Monday, November 9, 2009

*sigh* again with the inability to title my blogs..

there has been a lot going on lately. i feel like i havent really slowed down for over a month... and looking at my calendar, it is not getting much better. i am working on getting my house organized. things are out of control with the clutter and i am having a really hard time dealing with it these days. well, it has been almost two months since my last blog. since then, we went to vegas for a wedding, halloween haunt at knotts berry farm, had a big ol' birthday bash in the dirty desert for daryl's 40th birthday, spent three days in san diego for part one of my lactation educator class, went to a halloween party, survived halloween, the time changed and now here we are... um, i guess that's the last two months in a nutshell :) I am currently looking at a calendar where all weekends have something going on until sometime in January.... I don't know when i will ever have a weekend to just sit around the house, but i guess it balances out with the fact that i can do that on the weekdays if i really had to... There are a ton of things that i need to be doing and never seem to be doing the things i should. well, someday, i guess i will get organized and quit procrastinating... (or not, whatever) :)